Maintenance Tips: Care Tips for Comil Urban Buses.

Care Tips for Comil Urban Buses.


The following recommendations are intended to prevent possible damage to the vehicle, resulting from the influence of the environment or from its own use.

External Cleaning:
Wash the vehicle with the engine off, using shampoo or mild soap and abundant water, suitable for cleaning;
Wash and dry the vehicle in the shade;
To remove paint stains caused by signaling paint, asphalt or oil, use kerosene or benzene. After cleaning, it is advisable to wash and wax the affected area;
To remove impurities from the underside of the vehicle, use warm water and neutral soap;
The application of silicone wax, or similar, is recommended every 3 months. If during the wash you observe that the water does not accumulate in drops on the paint, the vehicle can be waxed after drying;
Internal Cleaning:
To remove stains from the floorboards and trim, use a damp cloth and detergent or mild soap;
The upholstery and package carriers with plastic or fabric lining can be cleaned using water and mild soap. Never use products derived from petroleum in this cleaning;
In cases of gum removal from the upholstery or carpet, scrape and then clean with benzene or kerosene, then use water and mild soap;
Clean the rest of the interior of the vehicle with a damp cloth and vacuum cleaner;
Do not use water squirt inside the body.
Glass and Rubber:
The windows should be cleaned with alcohol or ammonia based products. If this is not available, soapy water can be used, rubbing the windows with a flannel cloth until they are clean;
Clean the glass rails with a brush, then apply a little graphite powder;
Wash the rubber gaskets, using a cloth soaked in liquid silicone or liquid composed of equal parts of alcohol and glycerin.
Windshields, Hinges and Internal Components:
Lubricate windshield wiper mechanism;
Do not operate windshield wipers without squirting water;
Grease the front grille and rear cover hinges.
For a better conservation of your bodywork:
Wash the vehicle periodically and store it in a covered place;
If the vehicle operates on the coast or in regions where it may be exposed to salt or sand, it must be washed thoroughly with water and neutral soap after use;
Only spray the lower part of the vehicle with vegetable oils, but previously protect the brake system hoses and other rubber parts.
Tightening the Bodywork
Observing the periods indicated in the table below, retighten the fixing bolts and nuts of the several supports and body components.
As for the bolts, nuts, clamps and connections not listed in the tightening table, you must check their firm seat and retighten them if necessary.




Frequência (Meses)

Seats and package holders


Hinges of the front grille and rear hatch


Door mechanism


Mechanism for the hatches


Latches of the latches




Roof air intake mechanism


ATTENTION: The wheel bolts must be retightened after the first 30 km of use, and then as indicated in the chassis manufacturer's manual.

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