Learn, Grow and Make a Difference

Our greatest asset is our people, who, together and engaged with the company's values, work to create creative solutions for a promising future.


Being part of Comil Bus means being part of a story of passion, courage and continuous growth. It means not only producing buses, but mobility solutions that offer quality of life and facilitate people's daily lives. And at Comil, we invest in people. Because they are our daily fuel to go further and further, and they are the ones who can learn, grow, and make a difference. It was with this thought that we built a solid, reliable and competitive base, delivering safe and quality products to the market. In our factories and offices, we promote the well-being and growth of each of our employees, because we believe that if we are fulfilled, we can do much more.


If you identify with our way of being and want to be part of the history of Comil Bus, come join our team and grow with us.


Come be Comil!


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Career Opportunity

  • Production Assistant
  • Dressmaker
  • Assembler
  • Machine Operator
  • Welder


Comil Bus S.A. works with multidisciplinary teams that support growth and learning, offering opportunities and encouraging the development of employees as a person.


Our Internal Human Resources Consultancy accompanies the team and its managers, working on training campaigns, management qualification, health and safety at work.


Discover Comil Bus human development programs.

  • People Training and Development

    • Trainee Program

      Trainee Program

      The objective of the Program is to form a generation of professionals, committed to the new business scenario, aligned with the company's strategies. Young people coming from universities are trained to occupy technical and leadership positions. For 18 months, the trainee receives follow-up, participates in integration activities, in addition to intense technical and behavioral training, developing a project in his area of ​​expertise.

    • Internship Program

      Internship Program

      COMIL's doors are open to higher education students who wish to showcase their talent. The Internship Program consists of the development of interns through courses, workshops and supervised activities, with the aim of providing opportunities for experiences and developing the potential of young university students.

    • Grow Program

      Grow Program

      At COMIL, we always seek to value internal talent and promote the professional growth of our employees. In 2003, we created the Crescer Program, which offers opportunities and new opportunities internally at COMIL. Since then, many people have already been promoted in internal recruitment, significantly contributing to the company's results.

    • Professional Education Center

      Professional Education Center

      It offers a complete infrastructure, with classrooms, equipment and laboratories, to technically and operationally train professionals. The courses are aimed at preparing new employees, providing opportunities for professional development. In addition, they receive guidance and awareness training to promote health and safety, preventing accidents at work.

    • Behavioral and Team Development

      Behavioral and Team Development

      The program works to develop team spirit among employees, providing integration, synergy and a collaborative spirit. In addition, skills for conflict resolution, decision-making, risk management, negotiation and leadership skills, among other skills, are worked on. Teamwork, which is part of the COMIL Culture, enables the exchange of knowledge and favors the group's commitment to helping each other.

    • Technical Qualifications

      Technical Qualifications

      In partnership with universities, technical training institutions, and SENAI, COMIL offers courses with content focused on processes and technologies that meet our business strategies. The themes of the courses are related to what is most modern in the areas of technology, innovation, production processes, design of new products and software. In addition, training on the Lean Manufacturing system and Theory of Constraints is carried out through courses at partner entities, qualifying technicians and multipliers.

    • Inclusion of PCD's

      Inclusion of PCD's

      COMIL has a multidisciplinary team responsible for the inclusion of people with disabilities, which works to adapt jobs and raise awareness among teams and leaders. Agreements are also maintained with associations for the physically, visually, hearing and mentally disabled in the region, which direct people with some type of disability and who are in search of job opportunities.

    • Paths to Maturity

      Paths to Maturity

      The program aims to make people aware of the retirement process and help them with economic, social and family aspects, reducing institutional dependency. Meetings and reflections on the subject are held, instructing employees on adequate retirement planning. Retirees have annual meetings at the company, and participate in social events, with the aim of maintaining the emotional bond with COMIL.

    • Dissemination of COMIL Values

      Dissemination of COMIL Values

      In order to build a relationship of trust in all its relationships, COMIL carries out various activities that disseminate COMIL values ​​and Culture. Simplicity, Transparency, Ethics, Responsibility, Discipline, Teamwork and Respect for differences are concepts constantly emphasized in work teams, and disseminated by managers. In addition, Social Responsibility actions are developed with the community, with the same purpose.

  • Management Qualification

    • Integrated People Management System - Career Plan

      Integrated People Management System - Career Plan

      The Integrated People Management System aims to organize the career plan of employees. With the Competency Management System, we seek constant improvement of professionals. From there, job analyses, performance assessment, remuneration, professional training and career development are carried out.

    • Individual Coaching with Managers

      Individual Coaching with Managers

      Individual Coaching provides managers with an increase in self-knowledge, assessing their strengths and limitations in view of the company's objectives and the environment in which they operate. By working with internal and external Human Resources consultants, the manager is better able to make decisions, increasing his effectiveness within the company.

    • School of Leadership

      School of Leadership

      Leaders play a key role in motivating and integrating teams with the company. With the aim of preparing and qualifying its managers, COMIL developed the Leadership School, empowering employees with a People Management profile, so that they assume these functions. The program takes place through the development of technical and behavioral skills over a period of one year.

    • Leadership Training Focus Groups

      Leadership Training Focus Groups

      Regular meetings between groups of leaders and the company's Human Resources sector are held with the aim of helping them in the change process, encouraging managers to think together about actions and behaviors that are consistent with the company's culture.

    • Climate Management

      Climate Management

      The management of the organizational climate is extremely important for maintaining a good working environment. At COMIL, we seek to manage the climate with annual surveys and the development of continuous improvement actions. Employees identify their emotional state on bulletin boards within the company, and based on this panorama, leaders propose to help them, or refer them to psychosocial care.

  • Security and health

    • Occupational Health and Safety Programs

      Occupational Health and Safety Programs

      At COMIL, health and safety are constant concerns. Our structure has the SESMT - Specialized Service in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine - which is responsible for the programs that promote and preserve the safety and occupational health of employees. A specialized health team includes an occupational physician and nurse, nursing technicians and dentists, who provide outpatient and dental assistance to employees. In addition, work safety engineers and technicians are also part of the team.

    • Ergonomics


      Ergonomics is concerned with the general conditions in the work area, so that systems, products and the environment can adapt to the physical and mental limitations of the worker. The professionals involved in the Ergonomics Program carry out frequent ergonomic analyzes and postural improvements. Actions in the production process, machines and workstations provide greater team efficiency, employee well-being, and consequently, greater productivity.

    • Fire brigade

      Fire brigade

      The Fire Brigade is formed by a group of trained people, who prevent and guarantee the physical integrity of employees. Our brigade members are people from our company who are in good physical condition and who know the facilities. They are trained to identify emergency situations, trigger alarms and the fire department, guide people to leave the area, fight fires and provide first aid to possible victims.

    • CIPA - Internal Commission for Accident Prevention

      CIPA - Internal Commission for Accident Prevention

      The CIPA is a commission made up of company and employee representatives, who work together to prevent accidents and improve the quality of the work environment. The team serves all areas of the company, identifying risk situations, proposing improvements and assisting in implementing security measures.

  • Transparency and Equality

    • Pay Equality Report

      Pay Equality Report

      In compliance with Law No. 14,611, of July 4, 2023, MTE Ordinance No. 3,714, as well as the company's commitment to promoting inclusion and diversity practices, we published the pay equality report.
      The data in the report is anonymized in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Law – LGPD 13,709/2018.
      The information was grouped by the Ministry of Labor and Employment according to the CBO Major Groups (Brazilian Classification of Occupations). We emphasize that the CBO (Brazilian Classification of Occupations) is a system that organizes and classifies the professions that exist in Brazil and broadly and generally brings together different types of work in sectors and departments.
