Comil Ônibus promotes a lecture for its team about the power of the protagonist mentality.

The audience present was encouraged to think about how human evolution unfolds towards increasing complexity, which requires a corresponding increase in the level of awareness we have about ourselves.

“Protagonism is directly linked to a position in which we become agents of transformation of our living conditions, whether internal or external. Even in adverse situations, there is always something we can do!”, stated Gilberto de Souza, at the conference “The power of the protagonist mentality”, promoted by Comil Bus for its administrative and technical team, managers and directors of the company.

Gilberto de Souza is a reference in leadership, cultural transformation and human and organizational development. For over 20 years, he has been guiding professionals, managers and directors of national and multinational companies. First Brazilian to complete advanced training in Emotology and Superintelligence, graduated in Business Administration, with a specialization in Management Development and Marketing.

Addressing the topic, Gilberto encouraged participants to think about how human evolution develops towards increasing complexity, requiring a corresponding increase in the level of awareness we have about ourselves. The protagonist takes responsibility for his decisions, takes responsibility for the consequences of his decisions and, more than that, learns from the decisions he makes. Those who adopt a victimization stance transfer responsibilities to others, complaining instead of seeking alternatives and learning.

“This talk is part of a larger program on the theme Protagonism, which aims to bring reflections, provide insights and expand our team’s vision in our daily practices, in the decisions we make and in the mentality of how we face life”, said Fernanda Parmeggiani , Human resources manager. “COMIL wishes that together we can continue to grow and evolve as people, professionals, teams and companies!”, he concluded.

Author: Marketing Comil
Font: Marketing Comil