PINK OCTOBER: taking care of yourself is an act of love!

With the central theme “TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF IS AN ACT OF LOVE”, the 2023 campaign in reference to Comil's Pink October, promoted the exchange of experiences, information and information about prevention.

The Pink October movement has been celebrated annually since the 1990s, with the aim of promoting awareness about breast and cervical cancer. In reference to the campaign, Comil Ônibus S.A. Each year it offers a special program for its team of employees.

With the central theme “TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF IS AN ACT OF LOVE”, the 2023 campaign promoted the sharing of experiences and information about diseases and how to prevent them, through a conversation with Dr. A video with the collaborator's testimony Margarete Dalla Vechia, Accounting Coordinator, talking about how she overcame breast cancer and the importance of prevention, was transmitted to the team and moved everyone. Thinking about involving the team even more with the Pink October campaign, Comil also promoted collections of preventive and mammographic exams, specifically for employees in the risk group.

“Self-love starts in the details. Taking care of yourself is the best way to love yourself and be completely happy. That’s what we thought when we promoted this year’s Pink October campaign”, highlights Fernanda Parmeggiani, Human Resources Manager. Comil carries out awareness campaigns throughout the year, working on a different theme each month, with the main objective of disseminating information to employees about well-being and health care, as well as daily care in the workplace such as the correct use of PPE.

See an excerpt from Margarete's statement: “My breast cancer was diagnosed early, from the beginning and this allowed greater possibilities for a cure. Therefore, I recommend that all women: undergo routine exams and preventive exams, as the sooner it is diagnosed, the greater the chances of a cure. Let's take care of ourselves!

Author: Endomarketing e Marketing Comil
Font: Endomarketing e Marketing Comil