Comil participates in the 7th meeting of the Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries on Sustainable Development.

In April Comil Bus received recognition from the UN for the excellent work carried out by the company in conjunction with the Acolhida Project of the Federal Government and the IOM.

In April, with great satisfaction, Comil bus received recognition from the UN (United Nations) for the excellent work carried out by the company in conjunction with the Federal Government's Projeto Acolhida and IOM (International Migration Organization).

The 7th meeting of the Forum of Latin American and Caribbean Countries on Sustainable Development, which took place from April 15 to 18, in the ILO (International Labor Organization) auditorium, in Santiago, Chile, aimed to discuss options and experiences of public and private policies in the labor sphere that favor safe, orderly and regular migrations, thus supporting the application of the 2030 Agenda.

Chosen as a model case in Latin America and the Caribbean, Comil bus was invited to participate in the panel Discussion on regular migration routes with a view to creating a regional labor intermediation system that promotes safe, orderly and regular migration. Fernanda Parmeggiani, the company's Human Resources Manager, presented the policies and actions for sustainable development with a focus on the inclusion of migrants through formal work, so that they can establish themselves, integrate and rebuild their lives in the destination country, with safety and respect. In addition to presenting the project and results, he explained the benefits and assistance it provides to migrants. “Our purpose is to establish a win-win relationship, offering opportunities for migrants (who seek and need formal work to rebuild their careers and provide a livelihood for themselves and their families) and satisfying the needs of the labor market and the company, which needs competent and engaged professionals producing quality buses for our client”, commented Fernanda.

Ministers and other representatives of Latin American countries were present, as well as directors of the UN and other bodies. There are many challenges, but also opportunities”, explains Mr. Deoclécio Corradi, President of Comil bus S.A. “The joint work of international organizations, the State, civil society and the private sector, is a sine qua non condition for migrants to contribute effectively for development.”

Author: Recursos Humanos Comil
Font: Recursos Humanos Comil