Comil reinforces culture of excellence with 2nd quality week.

The 2023 edition engaged the teams in a competition between sectors.

In celebration of World Quality Day this November, COMIL ÔNIBUS engaged its employees in a week-long themed programme. In keeping with the 2023 theme "I ensure COMIL quality", the roles of Quality and of each team in improving processes and striving for continuous excellence in every detail of our products and services were reinforced.

The proposed activities, in the form of a scavenger hunt between sectors, included challenges, fun activities, audits and actions to preserve the environment, such as the Quality Challenge, Blue Seal Day, Millionaire Show, collection of PET bottle caps, among others.

"The biggest gain from Quality Week is the involvement of the teams and the dissemination of knowledge, reinforcing everyone's responsibility, because our company's vision is to be recognised for the quality of our products and services," said Felipe Lamaizon, Comil's Quality Engineer.

COMIL ÔNIBUS has a number of internal campaigns that foster a culture of quality in the company, aimed mainly at employees developing close relationships with quality, committed to assertive results in all processes and sectors, which guarantee the functionality of our operation, our products and services, improving continuously.

Author: Endomarketing e Marketing Comil
Font: Endomarketing e Marketing Comil