The company stands out for its solidity in the market and proximity to customers.

A benchmark in the market, COMIL Ônibus began its journey on January 7, 1986, with the aim of offering the "right size bus", combining design, safety, comfort and, above all, quality.

Present on the streets and roads of more than 30 countries and standing out as one of Brazil's leading bus manufacturers, COMIL has grown, consolidated its history and today stands out in the development of solutions for public transport. With a complete range of vehicles including road, urban, micro and special buses, the brand's products are aimed at customer satisfaction, with differentials that only a COMIL bus can offer.

"This is COMIL, always working to improve people's lives and daily lives with transparency, commitment and seriousness. It's been 38 years of passion, innovation and growth, because our main objective, in addition to producing buses, is to offer intelligent, profitable and tailor-made transport solutions for our customers," says Mr. Deoclécio Corradi, the company's president. "On this path of courage and growth, our greatest and immeasurable achievement is the people, our team, who together and engaged, always work to create creative solutions for a promising future," he adds.

With a team of 1,500 employees, COMIL constantly invests in the training of its professionals, offering more than 60,000 hours of annual technical training, guaranteeing safety, excellence and quality in all stages of production, in order to not only produce buses, but mobility solutions that offer quality of life and make people's daily lives easier, both inside and outside the company.

Author: Marketing Comil
Font: Marketing Comil